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Why you should concentrate on more than just school rankings when looking for the best football boarding schools in England…

Many of the schools that appear on ranking tables are academically selective – this means that they only accepting the highest level of student regarding their academic performance – this is obviously a foundation for excellent results and rankings. This does not accommodate the room for improvement – what if one of the best football boarding schools, that may not appear high on the rankings, actually improve a pupils predicted / target grades by more than other schools? Surely that contributes towards being one of the top boarding schools in England.

Regarding the best football boarding schools, there are certain guidelines schools have to meet to ensure the balance is adequate. But, there are many other provisions that are worth considering such as: facilities, strength and conditioning, video analysis, psychological and tactical knowledge, recovery, coaching qualifications, a competitive fixture list and excellent professional club links… just to name a few…

Most people will make a decision based on search engine rankings (how high up on google) and school statistics tables – in which marketing can have a big impact. Parents should look past this and more towards the specific needs of their child and place them in a top boarding school in England that offers the suitable balance –both their academics and their football programme?

Here at UK Football Schools we make this process much easier, through our connections and work, by delving deeping and researching the provisions aforementioned. We are able to recommend the best football boarding schools because of our experience and analysis.

All parents will search for different aspects in a school, potentially in the wrong places and may not be suitable to find / choose the best boarding schools in England – but we are here to make that decision easier!


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