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Almost 2 years on and what’s changed…

Where do we start? Maybe with the biggest change of all for everyone!

Since joining UK Football Schools back in March 2019 so much has changed not just within the company but within the world. The biggest change of all and one that no one could have predicted is the fact that we would now be in the middle of a global pandemic affecting so many lives, businesses and changing the daily way of life.

Luckily parents have still been planning for the future and looking for the best football academy boarding schools and we have been able to help many parents with this and continue to place students/players into the best football boarding schools here in the UK so they can have their opportunity to fulfil their dreams of making it into the football world via the boarding school football pathway.

We have had to adapt our way of business in various ways such as we haven’t been able to conduct school visits in person which means we have had to move to the way of many of other businesses and conduct virtual visits, skype interviews and zoom meetings for potential students to be able to see all what private boarding schools in the UK can offer. This new way of visiting schools is less personable to families but with the good relationships we have with boarding schools and their staff families have come to trust us and our recommendations.

Private boarding schools in the UK have had to put extra stringent safety measures in place especially as they have international boarders living in the boarding houses to protect students from illness which they have done a fantastic job with. Creating bubbles and monitoring everyday movement of all pupils and staff.

Although grassroots football across the world has been affected during the pandemic boarding school academies have still been able to train and receive the normal high level of coaching they would ordinarily receive in a boarding school football academy. Some private school academies have also been able to play some games under social distancing measures which we have to be thankful for as many other sports have been postponed. Hopefully with the roll out of 2/3 vaccines across the UK and the rest of the world things can start to get back to normal in the near future for everyone.

On a personal note, for me my job role is still as good now as it was when I first started. Still learning lots with things ever changing such as the biggest one of all being Brexit and how this affects international players coming to the UK. I am still devoted to helping young aspiring footballers succeed and looking forward to what the future holds.

If you are interested in becoming a part of one of the best football academy boarding schools in the UK please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team and we would be delighted to assist.

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