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Defending as a Full Back: Key Skills for Success in Football

Mastering the Art of Defending as a Full Back

At UK Football Schools, full backs are recognised for their vital defensive contributions. While modern full backs often push forward, their primary responsibility remains defending. A solid defensive foundation is essential to becoming a well-rounded player.

Winning One-on-One Battles

The full back’s main duty is to stop the opposition’s winger. Whether in a counter-attack or a direct one-on-one, the full back must maintain proper positioning and composure. Avoid rushing into tackles too early, as this can lead to dangerous fouls or free kicks. Instead, control the winger’s movement by guiding them towards less threatening areas. Always anticipate an inside cut, as attackers like Mo Salah often exploit defenders caught out of position. To succeed in these moments, a full back must communicate effectively with the centre back to cover potential gaps.

Defending Crosses and the Far Post

In addition to one-on-one defending, full backs must guard the far post when defending crosses. Attackers frequently “steal in” behind full backs, creating easy goal-scoring opportunities. Staying alert to these runs is critical for preventing goals. Full backs must also prepare to handle both low crosses and aerial balls. While height can be an advantage, players like Ashley Cole have shown that smart positioning and precise timing can more than compensate for lack of stature. Anticipating the ball’s flight and getting into the right position early can make the difference between a successful clearance and conceding a goal.

Mastering Core Defensive Skills

A great full back needs to master several defensive skills, including well-timed tackles, blocking crosses, and maintaining awareness of opposing players’ movements. These skills allow a full back to stay a step ahead of attackers and effectively protect their team’s goal. Developing these instincts requires regular practice and focused drills. At UK Football Schools, we encourage players to continually work on refining their defensive capabilities, ensuring they are always ready for high-pressure situations.

By mastering these core defensive skills, full backs not only enhance their own game but also strengthen their team’s overall defensive unit.


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